Blazorise DataGrid Binding Data

Learn to use and work with the Blazorise DataGrid Binding system, from in-memory data or by connecting to an external API.

DataGrid Binding Data : In Memory

The DataGrid can bind to your data in memory, allowing for quick and efficient display of your data sets.

DataGrid Binding Data : Large Data

The DataGrid Read Data feature allows you to handle Large Data by providing you with a centralized ReadData Method that allows you to query your data by pages.

DataGrid Binding Data : Virtualize

Optimize performance for large data sets with the Blazorise DataGrid's virtualization feature. By only rendering the data currently visible on the screen, virtualization reduces the amount of DOM elements, resulting in improved performance and load times.

DataGrid Binding Data : Observable Data

The DataGrid can bind observable data, so whenever the underlying collection is changed the DataGrid is automatically updated.

DataGrid Binding Data : Dynamic

The DataGrid can bind to your dynamic data, allowing for greater flexibility.


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.

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