Blazorise Chart Zoom

Zoom and pan the chart with the zoom plugin.

Zoom is made possible with the help of chartjs-plugin-zoom.



Install the charts extension and plugin from NuGet.
Install-Package Blazorise.Charts
Install-Package Blazorise.Chart.Zoom

Static Files

Include the necessary files into your index.html or _Layout.cshtml / _Host.cshtml file, depending if you’re using a Blazor WebAssembly or Blazor Server side project.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>



<Button Color="Color.Primary" Clicked="@(async () => await HandleRedraw())">Redraw</Button>

<LineChart @ref="lineChart" TItem="double">
    <ChartZoom TItem="double" Options="@lineChartZoomOptions" />
@code {
    LineChart<double> lineChart;

    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync( bool firstRender )
        if ( firstRender )
            await HandleRedraw();

    async Task HandleRedraw()
        await lineChart.Clear();

        await lineChart.AddLabelsDatasetsAndUpdate( Labels, GetLineChartDataset() );

    LineChartDataset<double> GetLineChartDataset()
        return new LineChartDataset<double>
                Label = "# of randoms",
                Data = RandomizeData(),
                BackgroundColor = backgroundColors,
                BorderColor = borderColors,
                Fill = true,
                PointRadius = 3,
                CubicInterpolationMode = "monotone",

    string[] Labels = { "Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange" };
    List<string> backgroundColors = new List<string> { ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 99, 132, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 54, 162, 235, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 206, 86, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 75, 192, 192, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 153, 102, 255, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 159, 64, 0.2f ) };
    List<string> borderColors = new List<string> { ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 99, 132, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 54, 162, 235, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 206, 86, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 75, 192, 192, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 153, 102, 255, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 159, 64, 1f ) };

    List<double> RandomizeData()
        var r = new Random( DateTime.Now.Millisecond );

        return new List<double> {
            r.Next( 3, 50 ) * r.NextDouble(),
            r.Next( 3, 50 ) * r.NextDouble(),
            r.Next( 3, 50 ) * r.NextDouble(),
            r.Next( 3, 50 ) * r.NextDouble(),
            r.Next( 3, 50 ) * r.NextDouble(),
            r.Next( 3, 50 ) * r.NextDouble() };

    private ChartZoomPluginOptions lineChartZoomOptions = new()
            Zoom = new()
                Mode = "y",
                Wheel = new()
                    Enabled = true,
                Pinch = new()
                    Enabled = true
                Drag = new()
                    Enabled = true
            Limits = new()
                Y = new()
                    Min = 0,
                    Max = 50,
                    MinRange = 25
            Transition = new ChartZoomTransitionOptions()
                Animation = new ChartAnimation()
                    Duration = 1000,
                    Easing = "easeOutCubic"




Name Description Type Default
Zoom Zoom options ChartZoomOptions
Pan Pan options ChartZoomPanOptions
Limits Limits options ChartZoomLimitsOptions
Transition Transition options ChartZoomTransition


Name Description Type Default
Wheel The Wheel options ChartZoomWheel null
Drag The Drag options ChartZoomDrag null
Pinch The Pinch options ChartZoomPinch null
Mode Allowed zoom directions string null
ScaleMode Which of the enabled zooming directions should only be available when the mouse cursor is over a scale for that axis string null


Name Description Type Default
Enabled Enable zooming via mouse wheel bool? null
Speed Factor of zoom speed via mouse wheel double? null
ModifierKey Modifier key required for zooming via mouse wheel string null


Name Description Type Default
Enabled Enable drag-to-zoom bool? null
BackgroundColor Fill color string null
BorderColor Stroke color string null
BorderWidth Stroke width double? null
Threshold Minimal zoom distance required before actually applying zoom double? null
ModifierKey Modifier key required for drag-to-zoom string null


Name Description Type Default
Enabled Enable zooming via pinch bool? null


Name Description Type Default
Enabled Enable panning bool? null
Mode Allowed panning directions string null
ModifierKey Modifier key required for panning with mouse string null
ScaleMode Enable panning over a scale for that axis (regardless of mode) double? null
Threshold Minimal pan distance required before actually applying pan double? null


Name Description Type Default
X Limits for x-axis ChartZoomScaleLimits null
Y Limits for y-axis ChartZoomScaleLimits null


Name Description Type Default
Min Minimum allowed value for scale.min double? null
Max Maximum allowed value for scale.max double? null
MinRange Minimum allowed range (max - min). This defines the max zoom level. double? null
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