Blazorise Chart Trendline component
This plugin draws an linear trendline in your Chart.
📊 The Community License has a limitation of 10 points per chart. Unlock full access to all features with
our premium plans.
Trendline is made possible with the help of chartjs-plugin-trendline.
Install chart trendline extension from NuGet.Install-Package Blazorise.Charts.Trendline
Static Files
If you’re using Blazor WebAssembly, include these script references in yourindex.html
. If you're using Blazor Server, include them in your _Layout.cshtml
/ _Host.cshtml
file. Note: you may already have the chartjs reference in there. If so, only include the trendline script.
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
@using Blazorise.Charts @using Blazorise.Charts.Trendline <Button Color="Color.Primary" Clicked="">Toggle trendline and redraw</Button> <Chart @ref="chart" TItem="double?" Type="ChartType.Line"> <ChartTrendline @ref="chartTrendline" TItem="double?" /> </Chart>
@code { Chart<double?> chart; ChartTrendline<double?> chartTrendline; protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync( bool firstRender ) { if ( firstRender ) { await HandleRedraw(); } } bool trendlinesOn = true; async Task OnButtonClicked() { trendlinesOn = !trendlinesOn; await HandleRedraw(); } async Task HandleRedraw() { await chart.Clear(); await chart.AddLabels( Labels ); await chart.AddDataSet( GetLineChartDataset() ); await chart.AddDataSet( GetLineChartDataset() ); await chart.Update(); // Add the trendline(s) after you have added the datasets and called await chart.Update(); if ( trendlinesOn ) { // This will add a trendline to the second dataset. // If you want to add it to the first dataset, set DatasetIndex = 0 (or don't set it at all as 0 is default) var trendlineData = new List<ChartTrendlineData> { new ChartTrendlineData { DatasetIndex = 1, Width = 10, Color = ChartColor.FromRgba( 54, 162, 235, .6f ) } }; await chartTrendline.AddTrendLineOptions( trendlineData ); } } LineChartDataset<double?> GetLineChartDataset() { return new LineChartDataset<double?> { Label = "# of randoms", Data = RandomizeData(), BackgroundColor = backgroundColors, BorderColor = borderColors, Fill = true, PointRadius = 2, BorderDash = new List<int> { } }; } string[] Labels = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }; List<string> backgroundColors = new List<string> { ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 99, 132, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 54, 162, 235, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 206, 86, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 75, 192, 192, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 153, 102, 255, 0.2f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 159, 64, 0.2f ) }; List<string> borderColors = new List<string> { ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 99, 132, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 54, 162, 235, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 206, 86, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 75, 192, 192, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 153, 102, 255, 1f ), ChartColor.FromRgba( 255, 159, 64, 1f ) }; List<double?> RandomizeData() { var r = new Random( DateTime.Now.Millisecond ); return new List<double?> { r.Next( 3, 20 ) * r.NextDouble(), r.Next( 3, 30 ) * r.NextDouble(), r.Next( 3, 40 ) * r.NextDouble(), r.Next( 3, 50 ) * r.NextDouble(), r.Next( 3, 60 ) * r.NextDouble(), r.Next( 3, 70 ) * r.NextDouble() }; } }
Method | Description | Return | Parameters |
AddTrendLineOptions |
Adds the trendline options to the chart. | Task | List<ChartTrendlineData> trendlineData |