Blazorise Animate component
Animate your content by wrapping it with the Animate
The Animate component provides a wrapper that will animate your content. It is based on the AOS javascript library.
Blazorise acts as a wrapper for the animation functionality provided by the aos library. If you're having any issues please make sure to also take a look at the aos library repository.
There might be certain content, that due to how they are structured/styled might not be possible to animate.
It is not possible to animate:
- Modal
parameter giving the Animate
component the necessary information to work.
For example, the animate example given below, is configured as explained.
Install extension from NuGet.Install-Package Blazorise.Animate
In your main _Imports.razor add:
@using Blazorise.Animate
Static Files
to your index.html
or _Host.cshtml
file, depending if you’re using a Blazor WebAssembly or Blazor Server side project.
<script src="_content/Blazorise.Animate/blazorise.animate.js?v="></script>
<Field> <Select TValue="string" SelectedValueChanged=""> @foreach ( var availableAnimation in Animations.GetNames() ) { <SelectItem Value="">@availableAnimation</SelectItem> } </Select> </Field> @if ( showAnimate ) { <Div ElementId="#b-animate"> <Animate Anchor="#b-animate" Auto Animation="selectedAnimation" DelayMilliseconds="500"> <Card Margin="Margin.Is4.OnY"> <CardBody> <CardTitle Size="5">Animation Example</CardTitle> <CardText> Some content. </CardText> </CardBody> </Card> </Animate> </Div> } <Button Color="Color.Primary" Clicked=""> @buttonText </Button>
@code { private IAnimation selectedAnimation = Animations.FadeIn; private bool showAnimate = false; private string buttonText = "Animate!"; private Task OnSelectedAnimationChanged( string selectedAnimationName ) { showAnimate = false; if ( Animations.TryParse( selectedAnimationName, out var animation ) ) selectedAnimation = animation; else selectedAnimation = null; return Task.CompletedTask; } private async Task Animate() { if ( !showAnimate ) { showAnimate = true; await InvokeAsync( StateHasChanged ); buttonText = "Restart!"; } else { showAnimate = false; buttonText = "Animate!"; } await InvokeAsync( StateHasChanged ); } }
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
Anchor |
Element whose offset will be used to trigger animation instead of an actual one. |
string | |
AnchorPlacement |
Defines which position of the element regarding to window should trigger the animation. |
string | |
Animation |
Gets or sets the animation effect. RemarksThe list of all supported animations can be found in Animate.Animations class. |
IAnimation | null |
Attributes |
Captures all the custom attribute that are not part of Animate.Animate component. |
Dictionary<string, object> | null |
Auto |
True if the animation will be executed automatically. Otherwise if false it needs to be run manually with Animate.Animate.Run method. |
bool | true |
ChildContent |
Specifies the content to be rendered inside this Animate.Animate. |
RenderFragment | null |
Delay |
Gets os sets the delay of the animation before it runs automatically, or manually. RemarksValues from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms. |
TimeSpan? | null |
DelayMilliseconds |
Gets os sets the delay in milliseconds of the animation before it runs automatically, or manually. RemarksValues from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms. |
int? | null |
Duration |
Gets os sets the total duration of the animation. RemarksValues from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms. |
TimeSpan? | null |
DurationMilliseconds |
Gets os sets the total duration of the animation, in milliseconds. RemarksValues from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms. |
int? | null |
Easing |
Gets or sets the easing effect. RemarksThe list of all supported easings can be found in Animate.Easings class. |
IEasing | null |
ElementId |
Gets or sets the animate element id. |
string | |
Mirror |
Whether elements should animate out while scrolling past them. |
bool? | null |
Offset |
Shifts the trigger point of the animation. |
int | 0 |
Once |
Whether animation should happen only once - while scrolling down. |
bool? | null |
Options |
Defines the animate options. |
AnimateOptions | null |
OptionsName |
Defines the custom name of the options to get from the configuration. |
string | Microsoft.Extensions.Options.Options.DefaultName |
Method | Description | Return | Parameters |
Run |
Runs the animation manually. | void |