Blazorise FocusTrap component

Manages focus of the forms and its input elements.

TrapFocus is a component that manages focus for its descendants. This is useful when implementing overlays such as modal dialogs, which should not allow the focus to escape while open.

When Active="true" the trap is enabled, and pressing Tab or Shift+Tab will rotate focus within the inner focusable elements of the component.


By default, the component moves the focus to its descendants as soon as it activated.
        <Switch TValue="bool" @bind-Checked="@focusTrapActive">Active</Switch>
        <FocusTrap Active="@focusTrapActive">
            <Field Horizontal>
                <FieldLabel ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is2.OnDesktop">First Name</FieldLabel>
                <FieldBody ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is10.OnDesktop">
                    <TextEdit Autofocus />
            <Field Horizontal>
                <FieldLabel ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is2.OnDesktop">Last Name</FieldLabel>
                <FieldBody ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is10.OnDesktop">
                    <TextEdit />
            <Field Horizontal>
                <FieldLabel ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is2.OnDesktop">Address</FieldLabel>
                <FieldBody ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is10.OnDesktop">
                    <TextEdit />
@code {
    bool focusTrapActive = false;



Parameter Description TypeDefault

If true the TAB focus will be activated.


Gets or sets the reference to the parent FocusTrap component.



Method DescriptionReturnParameters
SetFocus Sets the focus trap. Task
NotifyFocusableComponentInitialized Notifies the container component that its IFocusableComponent is initialized. voidIFocusableComponent focusableComponent
NotifyFocusableComponentRemoved Notifies the container component that its IFocusableComponent is removed. voidIFocusableComponent focusableComponent
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