Blazorise CloseButton component

A generic close button for dismissing content like modals and alerts.

The <CloseButton> is a simple button that highlights to the user that a part of the current UI can be dismissed such as an Alert or a Modal.

When used in an Alert or a Modal the component will be closed automatically. If not inside one of these components the Clicked EventCallback must be set for it to be useful.

Manual close

<Alert Visible="@visible">
    I can be closed!
    <CloseButton Clicked="@OnClicked" />
@code {
    bool visible = true;

    Task OnClicked()
        visible = false;

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Auto close

<Alert @bind-Visible="@visible">
    I can be closed!
    <CloseButton AutoClose="true" />
@code {
    bool visible = true;

With other components

Now you see me...
@if ( visible )
        Now you see me...
        <CloseButton Clicked="@OnClicked" />
@code {
    bool visible = true;

    Task OnClicked()
        visible = false;

        return Task.CompletedTask;



Name Description Type Default
Clicked Occurs when the Button is clicked. EventCallback
AutoClose If true, the parent Alert or Modal with be automatically closed. bool true
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