Blazorise Alert component

Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.

The <Alert> component is used to convey important information to the user through the use of contextual types, icons, and colors.


  • <Alert> main container.
    • <AlertMessage> content of the Alert.
    • <AlertDescription>additional content of the Alert.
    • <CloseButton> an optional button to close the Alert.

When to use

  • When you need to show alert messages to users.
  • When you need a persistent static container which is closable by user actions.



<Alert Color="Color.Success" Visible>
    <AlertMessage>Well done!</AlertMessage>
    <AlertDescription>You successfully read this important alert message.</AlertDescription>

Close button

You can also add a CloseButton.
<Alert Color="Color.Success" @bind-Visible="@visible">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
        Alert Link.
    <CloseButton />
@code {
    bool visible = true;

Extra content

<Alert> can also contain additional HTML elements like headings and paragraphs, which will be styled with the appropriate color matching the variant.
<Alert Color="Color.Info" @bind-Visible="@visible">
    <Heading Size="HeadingSize.Is4" TextColor="TextColor.Success">
        Big one!
        <CloseButton />
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.
        <Button Color="Color.Info">Wanna do this</Button>
        <Button Color="Color.Light">Or do this</Button>
@code {
    bool visible = true;


Two-way binding

To show alert just set Visible attribute to true.
<Alert Color="Color.Success" @bind-Visible="@visible">
        Alert test.

<Button Clicked="@OnButtonClick" Color="Color.Primary">Toggle alert</Button>
@code {
    bool visible = true;

    Task OnButtonClick()
        visible = !visible;

        return Task.CompletedTask;


<Alert @ref="myAlert" Color="Color.Success">
        Alert test.

<Button Clicked="@OnButtonClick" Color="Color.Primary">Show alert</Button>
    Alert myAlert;

    Task OnButtonClick()
        return myAlert.Show();



Name DescriptionReturnParameters
Show() Makes the alert visible. Task
Hide() Hides the alert. Task
Toggle() Switches the alert visibility. Task


Name Description Type Default
Dismisable Enables the alert to be closed by placing the padding for close button. bool false
Visible Defines the alert visibility. bool false
VisibleChanged Occurs when the alert visibility changes. EventCallback<bool>
Color Component visual or contextual style variants. Color Default
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