Blazorise 404 Pages

To inform website visitors when a page is unavailable or nonexistent, choose from a collection of 404 "not found" landing pages coded with Blazorise.

Default example

When a user visits a page that doesn't exist and you want to provide a link back to the home page, use this free example of a 404 "not found" page coded with Blazorise.


Something's missing.

Sorry, the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist.

404 with an image

When a user is unable to locate a page on your website, use this example to also display an image.


Page not found

Sorry, the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist.


404 with a reversed image

When a user is unable to locate a page on your website, use this example to also display an image.



Page not found

Sorry, the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist.